Jumat, 08 Juni 2012

Relative pronoun

relative pronoun is a pronoun that marks a relative clause within a larger sentence. It is called a relative pronoun because it relates the relative (and hence subordinate) clause to the noun that it modifies. In English, the relative pronouns are: whowhomwhosewhoeverwhosesoeverwhich, and, in some treatments, that. In addition, English has various fused relative pronouns, which combine in one word the antecedent and the relative pronoun: whatwhateverwhatsoeverwhoeverwhosoeverwhomeverwhomsoeverwhichever, and whichsoever,
A relative pronoun links two clauses into a single complex clause. It is similar in function to a subordinating conjunction. Unlike a conjunction, however, a relative pronoun stands in place of a noun. Compare:
(1) This is a house. Jack built this house.
(2) This is the house that Jack built.
Sentence (2) consists of two clauses, a main clause (This is the house) and a relative clause (that Jack built). The word that is a relative pronoun in some analyses.[1] Within the relative clause, the relative pronoun stands for the noun phrase it references in the main clause (its antecedent), and is one of the arguments of the verb in the relative clause. In the example, the argument is the house, the direct object of built.
Other arguments can be relativised using relative pronouns:
Subject: Hunter is the boy who kissed Jessica.
Indirect object: Hunter is the boy to whom Jessica gave a gift./Hunter is the boy who Jessica gave a gift to.
Adpositional complement: Jack built the house in which I now live. (similarly with prepositions and prepositional phrases in general, for example These are the walls in between which Jack ran.)
Possessor: Jack is the boy whose friend built my house.
In some languages, such as German and Latin, which have gendernumber, and noun declensions, the relative pronoun agrees with its antecedent in gender and number, while its case indicates its relationship with the verb in the relative clause. In some other languages, the relative pronoun is an invariable word.
The words used as relative pronouns are often words which originally had other functions: for example, the English which is also an interrogative word. This suggests that relative pronouns might be a fairly late development in many languages. Some languages, such as Welsh, do not have relative pronouns.
In English and German, different pronouns are sometimes used if the antecedent is a human being, as opposed to a non-human or an inanimate object (as in who/that).
(5) This is a bank. This bank accepted my identification.
(6) She is a bank teller. She helped us open an account.
With the relative pronouns, sentences (5) and (6) would read like this:
(7) This is the bank that accepted my identification.
(8) She is the bank teller who helped us open an account.
In sentences (7) and (8), the words that and who are the relative pronouns. The word that is used because the bank is a thing; the word who is used because "she" is a person.
In some languages with relative clauses, such as Mandarin Chinese, there are no relative pronouns. In English, the relative pronoun may be optionally omitted, particularly in speech, from a restrictive relative clause — that is, one which contributes to establishing the identity of the antecedent — if the relative pronoun would serve as the object of the verb or of a stranded preposition in the relative clause (as in This is the car I bought = This is the car that I bought or This is the car you heard of = This is the car of which you heard).

Relative pronoun type

This is in fact a type of gapped relative clause, but is distinguished by the fact that the role of the shared noun in the embedded clause is indicated indirectly by the case marking of the marker (the relative pronoun) used to join the main and embedded clauses. All languages which use relative pronouns have them in clause-initial position: though one could conceivably imagine a clause-final relative pronoun analogous to an adverbial subordinator in that position, they are unknown.
Note that some languages have what are described as "relative pronouns" (in that they agree with some properties of the head noun, such as number and gender) but which don't actually indicate the case role of the shared noun in the embedded clause. Classical Arabic in fact has "relative pronouns" which are case-marked, but which agree in case with the head noun. Case-marked relative pronouns in the strict sense are almost entirely confined to European languages[citation needed], where they are widespread except among the Celtic family and Indo-Aryan family. The influence of Spanish has led to their adaption by a very small number of Native American languages, of which the best-known are the Keresan languages.[3]

[edit]Pronoun retention type

In this type, the position relativized is indicated by means of a personal pronoun in the same syntactic position as would ordinarily be occupied by a noun phrase of that type in the main clause — known as a resumptive pronoun. It is equivalent to saying "The man who I saw him yesterday went home". Pronoun retention is very frequently used for relativization of inaccessible positions on the accessibility hierarchy. In Persian and Classical Arabic, for example, resumptive pronouns are required when the embedded role is other than the subject or direct object, and optional in the case of the direct object. Resumptive pronouns are common in non-verb-final languages of Africa and Asia, and also used by the Celtic languages of northwest Europe and Romanian ("Omul pe care l-am văzut ieri a mers acasă"/"The man who I saw him yesterday went home"). They also occur in deeply embedded positions in English, as in "That's the girl that I don't know what shedid",[4] although this is sometimes considered non-standard.
Only a very small number of languages, of which the best known is Yoruba, have pronoun retention as their sole grammatical type of relative clause.

Relative clauses

The Relative Clause

Recognize a relative clause when you see one.

A relative clause—also called an adjective or adjectival clause—will meet three requirements.
  • First, it will contain a subject and verb.
  • Next, it will begin with a relative pronoun [whowhomwhosethat, or which] or a relative adverb [whenwhere, or why].
  • Finally, it will function as an adjective, answering the questions What kind? How many? orWhich one?
The relative clause will follow one of these two patterns:
relative pronoun or adverb + subject + verb
relative pronoun as subject + verb
Here are some examples:
Which Francine did not accept
Which = relative pronoun; Francine = subject; did accept = verb [not, an adverb, is not officially part of the verb].
Where George found Amazing Spider-Man #96 in fair condition
Where = relative adverb; George = subject; found = verb.
That dangled from the one clean bathroom towel
That = relative pronoun functioning as subject; dangled = verb.
Who continued to play video games until his eyes were blurry with fatigue
Who = relative pronoun functioning as subject; played = verb.

Avoid creating a sentence fragment.

A relative clause does not express a complete thought, so it cannot stand alone as a sentence. To avoid writing a fragment, you must connect each relative clause to a main clause. Read the examples below. Notice that the relative clause follows the word that it describes.
To calm his angry girlfriend, Joey offered an apology which Francine did not accept.
We tried our luck at the same flea market where George found Amazing Spider-Man #96 in fair condition.
Michelle screamed when she saw the spider that dangled from the one clean bathroom towel.
Brian said goodnight to his roommate Justin, who continued to play video games until his eyes were blurry with fatigue.

Punctuate a relative clause correctly.

Punctuating relative clauses can be tricky. For each sentence, you will have to decide if the relative clause is essential or nonessential and then use commas accordingly.
Essential clauses do not require commas. A relative clause is essential when you need the information it provides. Look at this example:
The children who skateboard in the street are especially noisy in the early evening.
Children is nonspecific. To know which ones we are talking about, we must have the information in the relative clause. Thus, the relative clause is essential and requires no commas.
If, however, we eliminate children and choose more specific nouns instead, the relative clause becomes nonessential and does require commas to separate it from the rest of the sentence. Read this revision:
Matthew and his sister Loretta, who skateboard in the street, are especially noisy in the early evening.

Sabtu, 21 April 2012



-have / get

Causative verb menunjukkan bahwa seseorang/sesuatu secara tidak langsung bertanggung jawab terhadap sebuah tindakan. Subjek tidak melakukan tindakan itu sendiri, tetapi justru menyebabkan seseorang/sesuatu yang lain melakukannya. Contoh:

- Yesterday I had my hair cut.

Pembicara pada kalimat diatas tidak memotong sendiri rambutnya, tetapi justru membuat orang lain melakukannya - Saya “menyebabkan” mereka memotong rambut saya.


Have merupakan causative verb yang umum. Ketimbang melakukan sesuatu dengan diri kita sendiri, kita “menyuruh” orang yang lain untuk melakukannya. Bentuknya sebagai berikut:

Kata kerja “to have” + objek + past participle (verb 3). Contoh:

- I had my jacket cleaned yesterday.
- Did you have your computer fixed?

Terkadang kita menggunakan have sebagai causative verb ketika kita ingin melakukan tindakan oleh diri kita sendiri. Contoh:

- When will the report be ready? I’ll do it by tomorrow morning. >>
- When will the report be ready? I’ll have it done by tomorrow morning.

Dengan menggunakan causative, kalimat ke-dua diatas mengalihkan perhatian dari pelaku tindakan, dan lebih memberikan perhatian kepada tindakan yang sedang dilakukan. Ini kedengaran sopan dan profesional.


Get sering digunakan ketimbang have. Contoh:

  • I got my computer fixed - I had my computer fixed. Kedua kalimat ini maknanya sama.
  • I got my jacket cleaned. - I had my jacket cleaned. Kedua kalimat ini maknanya sama.

Causative verbs sering digunakan bersama dengan pengalaman-pengalaman negatif. Pada situasi-situasi ini lebih umum menggunakan have. Contoh:

  • I had my wallet stolen. (Saya sebenarnya tidak menyebabkan dompet saya dicuri - seseorang mencuri dompet saya dariku)
  • She had her window smashed.


Let digunakan untuk membolehkan seseorang melakukan sesuatu. Bentuknya adalah let + orang + verb. Contoh:

  • John let me drive his new car.
  • Will your parents let you go to the party?
  • I don’t know if my boss will let me take the day off.


Make digunakan untuk memaksa seseorang melakukan sesuatu. Bentuknya adalah make + orang + verb. Contoh:

  • My teacher made me apologize for what I had said.
  • Did somebody make you wear that ugly hat?
  • She made her children do their homework


Help can be followed by either: (The meaning is the same.)

  • object + base form of the verb (He helped me understand the issue.)


  • object + infinitive (He helped me to understand the issue.)

Sabtu, 07 April 2012



Dalam mempelajari Bahasa Inggris, ada banyak hal yang harus diketahui terlebih dahulu, salah satunya adalah bagian-bagian perkataan yang diucapkan atau dalam Bahasa Inggris disebut Parts of Speech. Dalam tata bahasa (grammar) Bahasa Inggris, Parts of Speech diklasifikasikan dalam delapan jenis kata yang digolongkan sesuai dengan apa yang ditunjukkannya yakni noun (kata benda), pronoun (kata ganti), adjective (kata sifat), verb (kata benda), adverb (kata keterangan), preposition (kata depan/preposisi), conjunction (kata sambung/penghubung) dan interjection(kata seru). Namun dalam makalah ini hanya akan dibahas tentang “adverb” sesuai dengan lingkup yang telah ditentukan.


Adverb atau kata keterangan adalah kata yang memberikan penjelasan mengenai tempat, waktu dan cara suatu kegiatan atau peristiwa itu terjadi. Contoh : here, now, softly, loudly, tomorrow, again, twice, never,dll.

Adverb juga didefinisikan sebagai kata yang menjelaskan kata kerja (verb), kata sifat (adjective), kata depan (preposition) dan kata lainnya kecuali kata benda (noun) dan kata ganti (pronoun).

Contoh :

a. I am working now.

(kata now dalam kalimat tersebut adalah keterangan waktu yang menerangkan kata kerja working).

b. Hendi speaks loudly.

(kata loudly dalam kalimat tersebut menerangkan bagaimana cara Hendi berbicara).

c. Wenny never comes before dinner.

(kata never dalam kalimat tersebut merupakan keterangan petunjuk frequensi/keseringan).

Macam Adverb (Types of Adverb).

a. Adverb of Time.

Merupakan kata keterangan yang menyatakan waktu terjadinya suatu pekerjaan, tindakan atau peristiwa tersebut. Contoh : afterwards(kemudian, sesuadah itu, lalu), already (sudah), before (lebih dahulu, sebelum), frequently (seringkali), now (sekarang), today (hari ini), soon(segera), immediately (segera), lately (akhir-akhir ini), yesterday(kemarin), dsb.

Contoh aplikasi dalam kalimat :

I’am stydying english now. (Saya sedang belajar bahasa Inggrissekarang).

Untuk membantu menunjukkan Adverb of Time, kita bisa mengajukan pertanyaan dengan kata “when” (kapan).

b. Adverb of Place.

Merupakan kata keterangan yang menunjukkan tempat terjadinya suatu perbuatan, tindakan atau peristiwa tersebut. Contoh : above (di atas), back (di belakang), below (di bawah), around (sekeliling), here (di sini), somewhere (di suatu tempat), everywhere (dimana-mana), there (di sana), dsb.

Contoh aplikasi dalam kalimat :

She studies English here. (Ia belajar bahasa Inggris di sini).

Untuk membantu menunjukkan Adverb of Place, kita bisa mengajukan pertanyaan dengan kata “where” (di mana).

c. Adverb of Manner.

Merupakan kata keterangan yang mengungkapkan bagaimana caranya suatu pekerjaan itu dilakukan atau suatu peristiwa itu terjadi. Contoh : carefully (dengan hati-hati), fluently (dengan lancar), hard(dengan keras), fast (dengan cepat), slowly (dengan lambat, secara perlahan-lahan), suddenly (tiba-tiba), together (bersama-sama), dsb.

Contoh aplikasi dalam kalimat :

They worked hard. (Mereka bekerja dengan keras).

Untuk membantu menunjukkan Adverb of Manner, kita bisa mengajukan pertanyaan dengan kata “how” (bagaimana).

d. Adverb of Degree.

Merupakan kata keterangan yang mengungkapkan sampai seberapa jauh (tingkat atau derajad) suatu keadaan atau peristiwa itu. Lazimnya menerangkan/memodifikasi adjective/kata sifat atau adverb itu sendiri. Contoh : almost (hampir), enough (cukup), fairly (agak/digunakan untuk pernyataan positif), rather (agak/digunakan untuk pernyataan negatif),nearly (hampir), very (sangat), too (terlalu), only (hanya), quite (sungguh), dsb.

Contoh aplikasi dalam kalimat :

1) She is very pretty girl. (Ia seorang gadis yang sangat manis).

Adverb very menerangkan Adjective pretty.

2) I quite understand. (Saya sangat mengerti).

e. Adverb of Frequency.

Merupakan kata keterangan yang menyatakan jumlah atau berapa banyaknya suatu pekerjaan, tindakan atau peristiwa itu dilakukan.

1) adverb of quantity.

Biasanya untuk menentukan adverb of quantity kita mengajukan pertanyaan dengan kata “how often”.

Contoh : always (selalu), usually (biasanya), never (tidak pernah),ever (pernah), sometimes (kadang-kadang), seldom (jarang),generally (umumnya), dsb.

Contoh aplikasi dalam kalimat :

Andi always drinks milk every night. (Andi selalu minum susu setiap malam).

2) adverb of number.

Biasanya untuk menentukan adverb of number kita mengajukan pertanyaan dengan kata “how many times” (berapa kali).

Contoh : once (sekali), twice (dua kali), thrice (tiga kali), half(setengah), twofold (dua kali lipat), dsb.

Contoh aplikasi dalam kalimat :

He eats twice every day. (Ia makan dua kali tiap hari).

f. Adverb of Affirmation.

Merupakan kata keterangan yang menyatakan penegasan, penekanan atau mengiyakan jawaban. Contoh : certainly (tentulah),naturally (tentu saja), surely (pastilah), of course (tentulah), absolutely(secara mutlak), dsb.

Contoh aplikasi dalam kalimat :

Of course she can speak English. (Tentu ia dapat bicara bahasa Inggris).

Istilah lain untuk adverb of affirmation ialah adverb of certainty.

g. Interrogative Adverb.

Merupakan kata keterangan yang turut membentuk pertanyaan. Masing-masing adverb jenis ini berhubungan dengan adverb lainnya.

Contoh :

1) How did he go?

How merupakan interrogative adverb of manner.

2) Where did he go?

Where merupakan interrogative adverb of place.

h. Relative Adverb.

Merupakan kata keterangan yang berfungsi sebagai penghubung dua klausa dalam sebuah kalimat. Kata-katanya sama denganinterrogative adverb, perbedaanya hanya pada letak posisinya, yaknirelative adverb biasanya ditempatkan di tengah kalimat (diantara dua klausa), sedangkan interrogative adverb di awal kalimat.

Contoh :

1) I asked him how he went.

How adalah relative adverb of manner.

2) I asked him where he went.

Where adalah relative adverb of place.


Adverb sebagai salah satu bagian perkataan yang diucapkan (Parts of Speech) dalam tata Bahasa Inggris (grammar) adalah merupakan salah satu dari banyak hal yang harus diketahui dalam mempelajari Bahasa Inggris. Adverb merupakan kata yang menjelaskan kata kerja, kata sifat dan kata lainnya kecuali kata benda (noun) dan kata ganti (pronoun). Ada bermacam-macam bentuk adverb yang dikategorikan berdasarkan fungsi atau penggunaannya. Dengan mengetahui adverb, baik bentuk, arti serta aplikasinya diharapkan dapat menjadi salah satu modal dalam mempelajari Bahasa Inggris secara baik dan benar.


Senin, 19 Maret 2012


Apa itu klausa relatif?

Sebuah klausa relatif adalah ayat yang menggambarkan rujukan dari kepala kata benda atau kata ganti .

Sering membatasi referensi dari nomina atau kata ganti.

Sebuah klausa relatif tidak selalu merupakan konstituen dari frase kata benda yang mengandung kata benda kepala memodifikasi.

Tukang ledeng tiba yang kami telah disebut sebelumnya (Siapa kami telah disebut sebelumnya telah extraposed dari posisi normal setelah tukang ledeng dan bukan merupakan anggota dari frase kata benda yang mengandung tukang ledeng.).

Contoh (bahasa Inggris)
Orang yang pergi
Penumpang berangkat pada Flight 738
Comrie 1989 143-144

Berikut adalah beberapa jenis klausa relatif:
Apakah yang dimaksud dengan klausa relatif eksternal?
Apakah yang dimaksud dengan klausa relatif internal?
Apa itu klausa relatif nonrestrictive?
Apa itu klausa relatif restriktif?
Sebuah klausa relatif adalah jenis
Apa itu klausa?

Apa itu klausa bawahan?

Rabu, 15 Februari 2012


Toothache is pain in the tooth. Toothache caused by various problems of the teeth and jaw, such as dental caries, gingivitis or jaw disease, and many more. Toothache is a symptom of heart disease, such as angina. Toothache can lead to heart disease and stroke.

Toothache usually refers to pain around the teeth or jaw mainly as a result of dental conditions. In many cases, tooth pain is caused by dental problems, such as dental cavities, cracked tooth, an exposed tooth root, or gum disease. However, disruption of (Temporo-mandibular joint) TMJ can also cause pain referred to as the "toothache". The severity of a toothache can range from mild to chronic, sharp and excruciating. The pain can be aggravated by chewing or cold or hot. A thorough oral examination, which includes dental X-rays, may help determine whether dental pain comes from the teeth or jaw problems and their causes.

Sometimes, a toothache may be caused by problems that do not originate from the teeth or jaw. Pain around the teeth and jaws can be symptoms of heart disease (such as angina or heart attack), ears (such as external or inner ear infection), and sinuses (air passages of the cheek bone). For example, angina pain (oxygenated blood supply is inadequate to the heart muscle due to narrowing of blood vessels to the heart) is usually located in the chest or arm. However, in some patients with angina, tooth pain or jaw pain are only symptoms of their heart problems. Infections and ear and sinus disease can also cause pain around the teeth and jaw. Therefore, the evaluation by dentists and doctors are sometimes necessary to diagnose medical illnesses causing "toothache."

Selasa, 14 Februari 2012


Jl. Swadaya , Depok 15146
Phone 021-5849299
November 7, 2011
Attention to :
Head of Human Resources Department.
PT. Bintaro Komputindo
Bintaro Central Business District
Jl. MH Thamrin B-5
Bintaro Jaya, Tangerang 15 774
With due respect,
I am a student majoring in Computer Systems at the University Gunadarma, Depok, which has been passed, and they graduate to receive a Bachelor of Computer System in April of 20 012.
Currently I'm looking for work in fields related to Database / Graphics Package Design in a development department and penilitian on a large scale company.
In recent years college, I worked part time at the Institute of Vocational Education (LPK), as the course instructor computer techniques. To increase knowledge and skills, I also take a course in the field of graphic design and database. With educational background, knowledge and skills, I'm sure will be able to provide a valuable contribution to your company,
Enclosed is my resume, which includes details of experience and courses I have attended. I hope that my qualifications to the attention of Mr, and an interview opportunity will be given to me.
Thank you for your attention.
Yours sincerely,
Halim Haryanto
Name : Endang Mansyur Syah
Place/Date of birth : Jakarta, 11th february 1990
GPK : 3,36
TOEFL Score : 530
Nationality : Indonesia
Gender : Male
Religion : Moslem
Marital status : Single
Address : Jalan Swadaya No. 05 RT 08 RW 08
Kelurahan Krukut Utara Limo Depok 15146
Mobile : 087875236665
Email : syahmansyur1108@yahoo.com
1994 to 1996 TK Madrasah Qur’aniah 1 Depok (kindergarten)
1996 to 2002 SD Madrasah Qur’aniah 1 Depok (elementary school)
2002 to 2005 SLTP N 6 Depok (junior high school)
2005 to 2008 SMU N 17 Depok (senior high school)
2008 to 2012 S1 Sistem Komputer Gunadarma (BSc computer science)

Bahasa Indonesia
Bahasa Jawa
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 98, XP & GNU/Linux
Office Suite : OpenOffice.Org & Microsoft Office
Programming Language : PHP
Server : Apache
Framework : CakePHP
RDBMS : MySQL & Oracle
Software Documentation : Doxygen
CMS : WordPress, Drupal, Mambo, Joomla, Wiki Media
Others : tsWebEditor, VertrigoServ, PHPMyAdmin
Jl. Swadaya , Depok 15146
Phone 021-5849299
November 7, 2011
Attention to :
Head of Human Resources Department.
PT. Bintaro Komputindo
Bintaro Central Business District
Jl. MH Thamrin B-5
Bintaro Jaya, Tangerang 15 774
With due respect,
I am a student majoring in Computer Systems at the University Gunadarma, Depok, which has been passed, and they graduate to receive a Bachelor of Computer System in April of 20 012.
Currently I'm looking for work in fields related to Database / Graphics Package Design in a development department and penilitian on a large scale company.
In recent years college, I worked part time at the Institute of Vocational Education (LPK), as the course instructor computer techniques. To increase knowledge and skills, I also take a course in the field of graphic design and database. With educational background, knowledge and skills, I'm sure will be able to provide a valuable contribution to your company,
Enclosed is my resume, which includes details of experience and courses I have attended. I hope that my qualifications to the attention of Mr, and an interview opportunity will be given to me.
Thank you for your attention.
Yours sincerely,
Halim Haryanto
Name : Endang Mansyur Syah
Place/Date of birth : Jakarta, 11th february 1990
GPK : 3,36
TOEFL Score : 530
Nationality : Indonesia
Gender : Male
Religion : Moslem
Marital status : Single
Address : Jalan Swadaya No. 05 RT 08 RW 08
Kelurahan Krukut Utara Limo Depok 15146
Mobile : 08132835115467
Email : syahmansyur1108@yahoo.com
1994 to 1996 TK Madrasah Qur’aniah 1 Depok (kindergarten)
1996 to 2002 SD Madrasah Qur’aniah 1 Depok (elementary school)
2002 to 2005 SLTP N 6 Depok (junior high school)
2005 to 2008 SMU N 17 Depok (senior high school)
2008 to 2012 S1 Sistem Komputer Gunadarma (BSc computer science)

Bahasa Indonesia
Bahasa Jawa
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 98, XP & GNU/Linux
Office Suite : OpenOffice.Org & Microsoft Office
Programming Language : PHP
Server : Apache
Framework : CakePHP
RDBMS : MySQL & Oracle
Software Documentation : Doxygen
CMS : WordPress, Drupal, Mambo, Joomla, Wiki Media
Others : tsWebEditor, VertrigoServ, PHPMyAdmin